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About the ChulaVistaCC Promotores Program

The mission of the ChulaVistaCC Promotores Program (Promotores are also known as Community Health Workers) is to assist community residents in achieving optimal levels of health, wellbeing, and community safety through neighborhood and school outreach strategies that focus on prevention and education. Promotores are local Spanish-speaking residents who serve as liaisons between their community and integrated health and family support programs through the ChulaVistaCCs network of five school-based Family Resource Centers (FRC’s).

ChulaVistaCC Promotores help us build Community Capacity by helping families access needed services. They provide a culturally and linguistically sensitive approach in linking families to services and programs. ChulaVistaCC Promotores address the triple aim through their daily work. They have the ability to connect and engage families. The ChulaVistaCC’s Promotora model has two components our Project Promotores and our volunteer Promotores Active for Community – PAC.

California CHW Community of Practice

The California CHW Community of Practice is a learning collaborative that envisions CHWs of all job titles and cultural backgrounds are recognized and empowered to bring the voice of the community expertise to the decision-making table in all aspects of promoting health and wellness in California.


For more information, please visit:

Project Promotores

Project Promotores are employed by ChulaVistaCC to conduct outreach and education in the community. Promotores also conducts classes in the community on important and targeted topics such as our very popular Es Dificil Ser Mujer (mental health support group), and our breast cancer and poisoning prevention education presentations.  Promotores are also out in the community conducting education and outreach to assist families in enrolling in health insurance, CalFresh, and utility assistance as well as to invite families to be civically engaged and participate in various community forums.  Some of our past projects include Epilepsy Education, Emergency Preparedness, Nutrition, and Physical Activity, and much more.

Promotores Active for Community

The ChulaVistaCC’s Promotores Active for Community (PAC) program is a grassroots organization of diverse residents working together to stimulate volunteerism and strengthen community ties, respond to the concerns and unmet needs of the community, create more caring relationships among community members, and generally improve community wellbeing.  PAC operated and was well known under the name of the Neighborhood Council Initiative (NCI) since 2000.  However, PAC was renamed in 2010 to better reflect the group’s mission.  PAC members are community volunteers who seek to make a difference in their community.  PAC members are the ears, eyes, and voice of their community.  They elevate community concerns and work to ensure resources are available to all families. 


PAC Community Benefits Projects

In working towards a strong and healthy community, PAC members develop projects and fundraise to implement their projects. Some of their projects include:  Senior dance, where they provide lunch, prizes, and entertainment at senior housing sites, Annual Prom Dress Giveaway, Promotores seek out donations and provide dresses for prom for girls with financial need.  Promotores also host yard sales to fundraise to provide clothing for the homeless for our annual South Bay Homeless Connect Event. 


Capacity Building Opportunities for Promotores

In recognition of their tremendous value, ChulaVistaCC hosts various capacity building opportunities for Promotores including:

Annual Adelante Promotores Conference. Promotores Academy, founded in 2007 by ChulaVistaCC Director Margarita Holguin, Academy is now nationally recognized as an important component of Promotores training.  The Academy is a 2-day training that covers the basic core competencies for Promotores. Various other training are offered regularly through ChulaVistaCC or its partners.  In addition, ChulaVistaCC hosts a quarterly Promotores meeting to bring together Promotores from various programs and provide a forum for information and resource sharing as well as networking.


Promotora Model

The Promotora model is based on a Latin American model that reaches underserved populations through peer education.  The model is used to reach hard-to-serve populations and connect them to needed services.  Other titles: CHW, Outreach Workers, or Lay Workers, Community Workers. The Promotores model removes barriers and provides culturally and linguistically appropriate services and builds community capacity by empowering residents and families.

Promotores are liaisons, who are trusted members of their community.  These Promotores often play the roles of advocate, educator, mentor, outreach worker, role model, translator, and more. Promotores reflect their community and often come from the same neighborhood, speak the same language, and usually share some of the same or similar life experiences as the community members they serve.


San Diego County Promotores Coalition

The San Diego County Promotores Coalition began in 2015 and seek to develop the work of Promotores through three goals:

  1. Build the capacity of Promotores through training and opportunities

  2. Support and assist the needs of agencies that employ Promotores

  3. Be a centralized resource depository and clearinghouse on and for Promotores.


For more information on the SDCP Coalition, visit


540 G St. Chula Vista, CA 91910

Hours of Operation

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

(619) 427-2119

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