The Chula Vista Community Collaborative (ChulaVistaCC) works to ensure collaboration among partners and stakeholders in Chula Vista. ChulaVistaCC draws together all sectors of the local community to develop coordinated strategies and systems that protect the health, safety, and wellness of residents. The role of ChulaVistaCC is to work with partner organizations in Chula Vista and the South Bay to share information and resources that strengthen families and communities. ChulaVistaCC elevates the needs and voice of the community and works to ensure seamless access to needed services. ChulaVistaCC facilitates/co-facilitates various issue-based coalitions to increase awareness and address local issues and trends that impact families.
The ChulaVistaCC acts as a platform from which to launch effective new initiatives to improve quality of life. The ChulaVistaCC is the umbrella for a variety of programs and committees. The most notable infrastructure of the ChulaVistaCC is the network of Family Resource Centers that have been created and sustained through a collective effort.
The ChulaVistaCC currently operates five Family Resource Centers (FRCs), with each one providing a gateway to a full range of family-strengthening services. Services are available to all members of the community, regardless of their circumstances. A call, visit, or a referral from school to one of the FRCs is all that is needed to connect to the resources and opportunities that exist in the community. Services are provided on-site or through partner referrals.
“ChulaVistaCC takes the labor out of Collaboration!”
Community Residents and Parents
Schools and School District Staff
Social Service/Non-profit Agencies
Local Government
Faith Community
Health Professionals
Business Owners
Anyone who wants to help build a vibrant community in Chula Vista
To obtain and share information about services, resources, employment and training opportunities and events accessible to the Chula Vista community
To network and efficiently coordinate activities with local agencies
To hear about what is going on in the community and solve concerns together
To celebrate the assets of the community
The Chula Vista Community Collaborative originally grew out of a Healthy Start Planning Grant that was awarded to Vista Square Elementary in May 1993. With encouragement from the South Bay Human Services Council, a coalition of human service agencies and Vista Square Elementary staff began a needs assessment of the community, which was completed in January 1993. The traditional school staff could not address the assessed needs adequately, so in an attempt to bring more services to the Vista Square community, a Healthy Start Planning Grant application was submitted in January 1993.
The advisory group, integrated by the Chula Vista Elementary School District, the Social Security Administration, the City of Chula Vista, South Bay Family YMCA, Episcopal Community Services, Head Start, Vista Hill, and the Human Services Council, was eventually named the Chula Vista Cluster Coordinating Council, which was later shortened to Chula Vista Coordinating Council (CVCC), and in 2003 to commemorate its 10th anniversary the CVCC changed its name to the Chula Vista Community Collaborative. Building on strengths and determining strategies, the group was awarded a Healthy Start Operational Grant in May 1995.
In an effort to inform other schools about the services available through a collaborative model, funds were made available to Chula Vista schools for additional nurse time as well as for small grants which gave schools an opportunity to try inventive approaches to service delivery. With these funds, as well as Healthy Start funding and support from many partners, Beacon Family Resource Center was opened on Vista Square campus to support families by providing holistic integrated services.
The number of Family Resource Centers grew to six, later keeping five open as we currently have. The commitment of schools and other partners to work together to support Chula Vista’s families set the stage for a high level of coordination and integration among service providers. Healthy Start funding provided seed money for 3-5 years to implement the FRCs.