From our Steering Committee member Dr. Kendra Brandstein:
The Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Care Education Program is offering classes for adoption, attachment parenting, specialty, and more. These classes are online through Zoom. Sign up now! Classes - Foster and Kinship Care Education Program (fakce.org).
All classes listed qualify for credit to meet both county and state foster parents training mandates except for First Aid/CPR, which are licensing requirements.
Todas las clases califican para recibir crédito del programa de entrenamiento para los padres de Crianza ordenado por el Condado y el Estado, excepto los Primeros Auxilios/CPR, los cuales son requisitos de licencias.
Grossmont College
Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Care Education Program
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
An update to the Order of the San Diego Public Health Officer effective June 19, 2020, continues to prohibit public or private gatherings unless otherwise specified in the Health Order. Based on this information, FAKCE will continue to only offer online Zoom classes for all of our classes and Resource Parent support groups. When the Public Health Order changes to allow in-person classes, we will provide an update to our class schedule at that time. Hope you and your family and the children you care for are staying healthy and safe.
Sincerely, FAKCE Administration